Two LHEEA teams installed a third wind sensor for WindMorbihan network
Centrale Nantes (the DAUC and SEMREV research teams from the Hydrodynamics, Energetics, Atmospheric Environment lab) and ENVSN recently installed a new wind sensor on the Kerroch light in Ploemeur (Brittany). This action falls within the framework of WindMorbihan project managed by ENVSN (Quiberon) and Compagnie des Ports du Morbihan,
on September 1, 2017
After the installation of wind sensors in Les Cardinaux and La Teignouse lighthouses in 2016, the Kerroch light is the third location within the WindMorbihan network to receive a 3D sonic anemometer. This state-of-the-art sensor provides extremely precise measurements of the mean and turbulent characteristics of atmospheric wind. Its location is strategic for the safety of nautical activities as well as for the study of wind resources in coastal areas - a major issue for renewable marine energy development. The work undertaken by the different teams involved is particularly significant with regard to the challenges of maintaining an offshore network which provides live data from highly isolated locations such as lighthouses where access is only possible once or twice a year.
In the LHEEA lab, the SEM-REV team was in charge of preparing and installing the sensors on the lighthouses and the DAUC team installed the Kerroch sensor. Data is gathered by SEM-REV before being sent on to the WindMorbihan network. The data is used by the SEM-REV offshore test site for operational activities such as environmental monitoring and by the DAUC team for research purposes such as analysis of lower atmosphere dynamics and thermal mechanisms. For WindMorbihan, the data is mainly used to inform the public and to make yachting safer.