Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
Site d'essais en mer de Centrale Nantes
The FLOATEOLE project illustrates the objective of the research lab in Hydrodynamics, Energetics and Atmospheric Environment (LHEEA) to contribute, through a multidisciplinary approach, to the optimization of floating wind turbines operation by studying the consequences of the wave/wind/structure coupling on the performance and durability of the wind energy converters subjected to harsh and non-deterministic operating conditions. > Read more
The WAKEFUL project aims to study the far-wake of a floating offshore wind turbine (FOWT) at full scale in real met-ocean conditions. The project benefits from a joint LiDAR experiment within VAMOS projectbringing together the University of Stuttgart, IDEOL and the LHEEA lab (Centrale Nantes – CNRS) around the characterization of the power curve, the close and the far wake of a floating wind turbine installed on the SEM-REV offshore test site. > Read more
The objective of the MOMENTA project is to improve the estimation of aero-elastic loads in a configuration which appears more and more frequently with the current wind farm layouts, the specific case of a wind turbine subjected to the wake turbulent features from another wind turbine (called latter Wake-Induced Turbulence). > Read more
MATRAC aims to improve the knowledge of dynamics and optical properties of the marine aerosol in the coastal area in order to better understand spatio-temporal variations of the particulate extinction coefficient, assess the impact of these variations on electro-optical radiation and validate an extinction model operating on the basis of a small number of inputs. > Read more
The eParadise project objective is to bring two types of aerodynamic sensors to maturity for life time extension and noise reduction of today’s operating wind turbines, while maintaining (or even increasing) energy production. > Read more
A good understanding of floating offshore wind turbines is essential to decrease the uncertainties and risks – and thus the costs – of this very promising technology. The project “Validation, Measurement and Optimization of Floating Wind Energy” (VAMOS) addresses this challenge with a large-scale measurement campaign and a validation study. The knowledge gained will be used directly for the design of an improved turbine controller to enhance the dynamic behavior and reduce loads. In the long term, this will allow for lighter weight and cheaper turbine designs. > Read more