Two PhD offers in the TSM team

The LHEEA is looking for 2 PhD students in the Thermodynamics of Engine Systems (TSM) team. Find here these 2 offers.

on December 18, 2020

PhD offer: Innovative controm strategies of propulsion system for ships in waves

The main objectives are to:
  • -Develop and evaluate propulsion system control strategies for various architectures with respect to KPI (Key
  • Performance Indicators) for ships in waves;
  • Develop and evaluate new dimensioning approaches of propulsion systems based on the optimization of ship operation in real sea state. Depending on the results:
  • Validate the new strategy with experimental tests.
Several test cases will be investigated, including:
  • Various sea states, corresponding to a typical ship route
  • Various types of ships and engines, possibly
  • Various types of propulsive plants, including variable pitch propellers or hybridization
To do so, the PhD candidate will use an internally developed code coupling a hydrodynamic ship model and an engine model. To the best of the author’s knowledge, this work would be a novel and original contribution regarding ship engine controllers.

> Download the offer

Interested candidates should submit a cover letter of interest, curriculum vitae to,

PhD offer: Study of an hybrid Diesel-renewable power plant for electricity production on isolated sites

The energy transition consists of an increase of the renewable sources in the electric energy production share (for instance photovoltaic power plants and wind turbines). One drawback is that these energy sources are intermittent by nature. One solution is to couple them with conventional power sources. For isolated sites, such as islands, one possible configuration that allows reducing CO2 emissions is to mix renewable sources with internal combustion engines. The Phd candidate will have to study the coupling of a renewable power plant with a Diesel engine, with the aim at minimizing CO2 emissions.

> Download the offer

Interested candidates should submit a cover letter of interest, curriculum vitae to,

> More informations about the TSM team's activities on the team page

> Find all the other LHEEA job offers in the Job offer page

Published on December 18, 2020 Updated on December 18, 2020