2 projects tested on SEM-REV in the FORESEA programme
In september FORESEA (Funding Ocean Renewable Energy through Strategic European Action) opens third call for offshore renewable energy technologies. Support packages will help commercialise offshore renewable energy technologies by giving free access to FORESEA’s network of test sites.Support packages will help commercialise offshore renewable energy technologies by giving free access to FORESEA’s network of test sites.
on October 26, 2017
2 candidates were selected to lead their tests to the offshore tyest site SEM-REV:
Ideol and its partners worked in the frame of a FP7 project named Floatgen which included the engineering, the construction and the installation of a Floating Wind Turbine. The testing period of the floating wind turbine designed in the frame of this project will be financed partially under FORESEA project and will enable to perform necessary analysis of :
- the impact of the floating wind turbine and its mooring system on the environment: benthos, sea mammals, acoustic impacts, avifauna, electromagnetic impact…
- the quality and quantity of electricity produced by the wind turbine
- the performance of the system: hydrodynamic performances, aerodynamic performances, turbine behaviour, behaviour of the mooring system …
- the costs of exploitation and maintenance
Photo credits : Idéol
Interdrones: projet Aqua
INTERDRONES and its partners ADV TECH, Akeros and LaBri will test a submarine drone able to walk in contact with the sea floor and deployed from a drone base type USV (unmaned surface vehicle). This robot will be equipped with 6 mechanical legs to move and hang on submerged objects. The robot will also ship a video system and other sensors depending on the mission.
Its deployment and recovery vector is a 1.8 meters long autonomous catamaran with a unique propulsion system as well as a system allowing the geolocation of the submarine robot. The objective is to conduct marine research and inspection missions for the benefit of MREs.
Photo credits : Interdrones
The 4th FORESEA call for projects was launched in October.