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Blue-GIFT (2019-2023)

Published on February 6, 2024 Updated on January 28, 2025
The Blue-GIFT (Blue Growth and Innovation Fast Tracked) is a coordinated ocean energy technology demonstration programme encouraging longer-term demonstration and technology de-risking across the Atlantic Area regions. This €2.5 million project is funded by Interreg Atlantic Area.

SEM-REV involvement in Blue-GIFT:

A series of test site access vouchers will be offered to successful applicants to support testing of devices and subsystems at the following test centres:
•    BiMEP (wave and floating wind) in the Basque Country, Spain;
•    PLOCAN (wave and floating wind) in Gran Canaria, Spain;
•    SEENEOH (hydrokinetic and tidal) in Bordeaux, France;
•    WavEC (wave and floating wind test centre) in Aguçadoura, Portugal.

Whilst not eligible for applications within the Blue-GIFT programme, the project consortium also includes three additional ocean energy test facilities who will support the project with technical expertise gained from running the Interreg North-West Europe FORESEA programme:
•    EMEC (wave and tidal) in Orkney, UK (Blue-GIFT lead partner);
•    SmartBay Ireland (wave and floating wind) from Galway, Ireland;
•    Centrale Nantes / SEM-REV (wave and floating wind) in Nantes, France.



As part of the European Union’s Cohesion Policy, Interreg Atlantic Area supports transnational cooperation projects in 36 Atlantic regions of five countries: France, Ireland, Portugal, Spain and the United Kingdom, contributing to the achievement of economic, social and territorial cohesion. For further information, visit: www.atlanticarea.eu
Published on February 6, 2024 Updated on January 28, 2025